(Founder FFLV)

Rupa Raghunath Das

The founder of Food for Life Vrindavan (FFLV), Pietro Paolinelli, was born in Italy in 1954. As a young man, he became the disciple of a guru who gave him the name Rupa Raghunath Dasa. ‘Rupa’, as he is called by his friends and colleagues, has started living in Vrindavan more than 20 years ago. He dedicated his life to the service of the children of Vrindavan and inspired others to donate their money and time for this noble cause.

Rupa Raghunath Dasa had the vision, skills, and persistence to develop FFLV from a food distribution program into an organization that seeks long-lasting solutions and effectively helps to improve all areas of life in Vrindavan. Now, director of a large organization, Rupa works tirelessly & plays a hands-on role in the day-to-day running of the programs including food distribution. He also spends time traveling overseas, raising awareness about the work of FFLV, and establishing relationships with businesses and individuals interested in supporting the children of Vrindavan.

My Skills

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Contact details





+ 1000 266 55787


September 21, 1992


What We Did

Our Projects

Environmental Services

The Earth does not belong to us

We believe that humans must cooperate and live in harmony with nature.


Social Development

Medical expense is one of the primary costs that take a toll on the poor.


Medical Services

Medical expense is one of the primary costs that take a toll on the poor.

New Year Gift Festival

Every year since 1997, FFLV distributes thousands of gifts to Vrindavan’s children.


Food Distribution

The food distribution program has been going on for the past 25 years.

Education Food

School Meals

Every morning our girls from kindergarten get a fresh milk, fruit and cookies for breakfast.